August is for apple pies, letting go and finding a new love
I was supposed to be by now in Bali - but for some reasons changed my decision. I realized that 5 years of traveling brought me back to my city, Kiev, and new countries so often were for me just another new decorations.
I also realized this year, while reaching my 29, that I want to use this life for passing spiritual path - I am not into partying and hedonistic lifestyle (and never been), I never was into materialistic things, I always wanted to wake up and do something to be better person that I was day before.
That is actually what spiritual path is about.
So this august I realized it's time to surrender.
I was working very hard and intense for past 5 years, trying to crush baton walls with my head. But as Leo Tolstoi said, "patience and time are the two greatest warriors". So I keep going and just staying patient and decide no longer be rebel child in search for an opportunity to change the world.
I always wanted to change the world - but you know - everyone of us does it, changes this world by co-creating this reality. We are not separated, we live in society - we walk by the streets, we talk to our friends and colleagues, to our parents and children. Every day. We do good things or bad. Every day. We bring our energy with every action and word. And when these actions are genuine, pure and come from the heart - it becomes viral, people can be lighted up by only one word you say, only one small thing you do.
So choose well what you gonna bring to the world today.
Okay, enough of philosophy for today.
For the great day I share with you my recipe of an apple pie (I wish I could add here the aroma & taste!). Enjoy. Hope you will like it.
Cinnamon turmeric apple pie
10 min prep
40 min in oven
5 big apples
4 eggs
400ml of kefir
6 tbsp of flour (wheat or other, almond etc)
1 tbsp of olive oil (also use it for preparing baking pot)
2 tsp of flaxseeds
3 tbsp of raisins
5 tsp of sugar (or sweetener, I use here sugar, sometimes stevia)
1 pinch of baking soda
1 pinch of sea salt
Cut apples, mix all together for the dough. Bake with 180°C for 40 minutes. Can be served warm with vanilla ice cream. (not fitness option though haha)
Bon appétit!
P.S. I add cinnamon & turmeric because these spices are incredible for digestive and add great flavor. If you don't like it, you can experiment with cardamom, ground nutmeg, ground ginger or simple add vanilla extract - always works.
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